Events American Legion Meeting

Zoning Board of Appeals

The Zoning Board of Appeals hears applications requesting variances of the Town of Galway Zoning Code. The Board meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall.

Zoning Board Agenda

  • March Meeting Canceled 


Zoning Board Meeting Minutes


Number of Members: 4

Andrew Decker
Phone: 518-232-3488
Term: 12/31/2028
[email protected]

Kiley Gregory
Phone: 518-598-3238
Term: 12/31/2024
[email protected]

James W. Snyder
Phone: 716 208-6161
Term: 12/31/2025
[email protected]

Herman Niedhammer
Phone: 518-378-0525
Term: 12/31/2026
[email protected]

David Armitage
Phone:  518-421-0608
Term: 12/31/2027
[email protected]

Town Board Liaison
Daniel Clemens
Phone: 518-866-3603
[email protected]