Events Page 46

Board of Assessment Review


The Board of Assessment Review hears grievances filed by property owners relative to their taxable assessments. The Board meets one day per year; which is the first Tuesday of June after the fourth Tuesday of May to hear any grievances that have been properly filed. In 2024, the board will meet on June 4, 2024.


Frank Schwab IV
Phone: 518-882-9544
Term: 09/30/2029

Rod Wilday
Phone: 518-859-6737
Term: 09/30/2025

Carol Hynes
Phone: 518-882-6718
Term: 09/30/2027

Ann McCauley
Phone: (518) 925-6097
Term: 09/30/2026

John McDonald
Phone: 518 763-9262
Term: 09/30/28