Events American Legion Meeting

Town Clerk

Welcome to the Town Clerk’s Office.  As the center of information, the Town Clerk provides the public with a wide variety of information and services. 

As Registrar of Vital Records, the Town Clerk is responsible for keeping a permanent record of all births and deaths that occur within the boundaries of the Town, as well as all marriage licenses that are applied for at our office. The Town of Galway Clerk’s Office follows the guidelines as set forth by the NYS Health Department for all searches of birth, death or marriage records. Applicants must complete a written application. NO INFORMATION WILL BE FURNISHED OVER THE TELEPHONE. Birth, Death & Marriage records are confidential and are not open for public inspection. The Freedom of Information Law does NOT apply to Vital Records. Searching of records must be conducted only by the Registrar & Deputy Registrar.

All Local Laws; oath of office; affidavits of publications; resignations; petitions; annual budgets and fiscal reports; assessment rolls; bonds; minutes and all other pertinent Town documents are filed in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Marriage; dog; conservation; bingo; games of chance; handicapped parking; certificate of residency are all done thru the Town Clerk’s Office.

The Town Clerk acts as custodian of all permanent Town records and provides for the storage, retrieval and disposition of records for all departments of the Town.  All records are maintained in accordance with NYS Records Retention & Disposition Schedule (LGS-1).  All Freedom of Information (FOIL) requests are administered through the Town Clerk’s Office. 

Dog licensing is a NYS requirement!  If you are getting a dog license for the first time we will need to see the current rabies certificate and the spayed/neutered certificate if applicable.  The cost for a spayed/neutered dog is $8.00 and the fee for non-spayed/non-neutered is $16.00.  For a renewal license, a rabies certificate if required must be presented.  There is no application form.  You can do this in person or by mail with the above mentioned certificates.

Renew Your Dog License Online Here

For couples interested in obtaining a marriage license we will need the following documentation:  Drivers licenses; certified copy of both birth certificates; if previously married a certified copy of EACH divorce decree or death certificate; $40.00 and both people.  The marriage license must be obtained at least 24 hours prior to the ceremony.  The license is valid for 60 days.  Age Requirements: Must be at least 18 years old 16 & 17 years old – Both parents will have to be present and sign Consent Form 14 & 15 years old – Both parents will need to be present and sign Consent Form & Court Order is also required.
NYS Drivers Licenses are required for proof of residency in obtaining license as well as previous license or training certificate for proof of eligibility.  Non-residents sporting licenses are also available.    

These certificates are for Town of Galway Residents enrolling in a community college or taking college courses.  These certificates can be obtained by a high school student taking college courses; a graduate from high school and people that have obtained a GED that have resided in the Town of Galway for a minimum of one year.

Information needed for certificate: Documented dated proof with your 911 mailing address on it (NO P.O. Box) that is over a year old and something within the month.  A copy of this information is forwarded to the county with your application form; you then receive a reduction in your tuition since we don’t have a community college in Saratoga County.  Once college starts you no longer can obtain residency certificate from our office you have to go directly to Treasurer’s Office.    

(FREE) A simple application form indicating property owner’s name, address and area where dunks will be used is required. 
 (FREE) Applicants must be a resident of the Town of Galway.  The applicant and the applicant’s physician must complete NYS Form MV664.1.  Applicants will need to provide their driver’s license or non-driver I.D.
(FREE) Available during Town Clerk office hours.


Contact: Margaret L. DeFoe (Peggy)
5910 Sacandaga Road
Galway, NY 12074
Phone: 518-882- 6070 Ext. 10
Email: [email protected]


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 7am – 5pm