Events American Legion Meeting


The Assessor has the responsibility for establishing full market values of property in the Town. The assessment is determined by the Level of Assessment or the Equalization Rate set by New York State Department of Tax and Finance. The Town of Galway will be assessing at 100% of full market value on the 2022 assessment roll. Values are set as of March 1st (which is the Taxable Status Date) and using a Valuation Date of July 1st. For the 2023 assessment roll, the Valuation Date will be July 1, 2022.

The Assessor can assist residents in determining any exemptions they might be qualified for such as senior exemptions, veterans exemptions, agricultural or STAR exemptions. All exemption applications must be filed with the Assessor by March 1st of the Assessment Roll year. Consequently, we will be working on the 2023 assessment roll, so applications must be received by March 1, 2023. Property owners are eligible for Senior exemptions in the year they turn 65 and if their income meets the requirements. So, for the 2023 assessment roll, property owners turning 65 in 2023 (whether it be January 2nd or December 31, 2023), should contact the assessor to see if they might qualify for additional exemptions by March 1, 2023.

If you are wishing to file a Small Claim, you need to file that before July 31 2023.  Information and paperwork is found on your letter you received from the Grievance Board.


To download exemptions forms, please go to the following website:

Once on this website, in the left hand column, click Forms and Publications.  Then click Property Tax Forms by number. This will give you a list of the exemptions forms available.

The most common forms used in the Town of Galway are as follows:

Low Income Senior – RP- 467

Low income Senior renewal – RP-467-r

Agricultural Initial application – RP-305

Renewal agricultural form – RP-305-r

Lease form for agricultural property – RP-305-c

Alternate Veteran (served during designated war times) RP-458-a

Cold War Veteran – RP-458-b

Low Income Disabled – RP-459-c


There may be other uncommon exemptions not listed here.  Contact the Assessor to see if the Town grants a particular exemption and what form(s) are needed to apply.

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Contact: Laura Orminski, SCA 
5910 Sacandaga Road
Galway, NY 12074
Phone: 518-882- 6070 X 17
[email protected]


Tuesday – 1pm-4pm